Aubrey Lindeire

Aubrey did his tertiary education at Mzuzu University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Education) degree. He has previously worked for the British Council Malawi, the African Bible College and consulted for several UN agencies locally. and presently working with Tingathe as the Executive Director.  Aubrey develops learner-centered approaches to vocational training that focalizes on the sharing of individual experiences and ensuring that learning is relevant to everyday life.

Aubrey believes that the backbone of every economy rests on young people because they have the energy, the steam, and the eagerness to learn and acquire skills, which are in turn usable and transferable across a long period. Investing in young human capital opens endless opportunities for the development of all nations. The need to partner with and empower the youth socio-economically cannot be overemphasized. They are today’s leaders.

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